
Sustainability is our central commitment, our attention is paid not only to the choice of materials, but also to the habits we adopt.
We are committed to preserving our planet, aware that every decision counts for future generations.

Those who work with wood know what it means to respect nature. We have been working with wood since 1931 and we are increasingly demanding regarding the certifications of origin and provenance of our materials. When choosing wood, we pay particular attention to their origin, this is in fact an element that affects the quality and value of the raw material and therefore of the product. ​

We at Pittori pay particular attention to environmental sustainability, production and company management are organized in a responsible manner, in order to reduce environmental impact and preserve natural resources for future generations.

The use of green technologies, the recycling of consumed products and the choice of more efficient production processes make it possible to significantly reduce pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and waste production.

For all our panels we use ecological panels made of 100% recycled product and with very low formaldehyde emission. We only use water-based paints that offer very high quality and low environmental impact. The choice to focus strongly on water-based and UV-drying paints far anticipated the growing and current awareness regarding respect for the environment. In fact, it was created to protect people, those who work with paints and those who live in contact with the products on which these paints are applied.

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